1st term →Power point UK
2nd term→Project ;Dickens and his time→Speaking:pictures(Michael)
3rd term→Shakespeare is coming→music:pavan music
a film Shakespeare in love ↘P.E.:pavan dance
↘Speaking:scene 1 act 2
Romeo and Juliet
HABITAT: The natural environment of a living thing.
PAIN: Physical suffering; great discomfort.
PREDATOR: Any organism that exists by preying on another.
PREY: An animal hunted for food, esp. by a meat-eating animal.
WILDLIFE: Animals living in the wild.
HABITAT: The natural environment of a living thing.
PAIN: Physical suffering; great discomfort.
PREDATOR: Any organism that exists by preying on another.
PREY: An animal hunted for food, esp. by a meat-eating animal.
WILDLIFE: Animals living in the wild.
- Video: Animals in the wild:👍
- Extreme Journeys👍👎
- Video: The Making of the Grand Canyon 👍
- Keep safe in the wild👍
- Kiwi - The New Zeland's national symbol👍👍
- The Legend of Why the Kiwi can't fly👍👍
- Model text👍
- Village has turned into an island👍👍
Shakespeare in love👍👍 .
I need to work on translation
B and B : bed-and-breakfast.
Go abroad : to or in country or countries.
Been : for the verb ``to be´´.
Gone : for the verb ``to go´´.
Apply : to make use as relevant or suitable.
Career : a profession that is one's most important work in life.
Charity : gifs of money or things to aid the poor, ill, or helpless.
Office : a place where business, work or one's job is conducted or accomplished.
Work experience : the experience of work some days.
Cabin crew : the insole of a cabin.
Check in : to stop the motion of suddenly or with; restrain.
Delayed : of or pertaining to a particle, as a neutron or alpha particle, that is emitted from an excited nucleus formed in a nuclear reaction, the emission occurring some time after the reaction is completed.
Long haul : of or pertaining to a long haul.
On my way : I make the things like I want.
Cure : a medicine or treatment to heal or restore health;
Hunter : a person who chases or searches for wild animals.
Poison : a substance that taken into the body can destroy life or cause illness.
Tracks : a pair of parallel lines of rails on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
Tribe : a group of people descended from the same ancestor, having similar customs and traditions.
Grammar :
I think i need to work in transletion
B and B : bed-and-breakfast.
Go abroad : to or in country or countries.
Been : for the verb ``to be´´.
Gone : for the verb ``to go´´.
Apply : to make use as relevant or suitable.
Career : a profession that is one's most important work in life.
Charity : gifs of money or things to aid the poor, ill, or helpless.
Office : a place where business, work or one's job is conducted or accomplished.
Work experience : the experience of work some days.
Cabin crew : the insole of a cabin.
Check in : to stop the motion of suddenly or with; restrain.
Delayed : of or pertaining to a particle, as a neutron or alpha particle, that is emitted from an excited nucleus formed in a nuclear reaction, the emission occurring some time after the reaction is completed.
Long haul : of or pertaining to a long haul.
On my way : I make the things like I want.
Cure : a medicine or treatment to heal or restore health;
Hunter : a person who chases or searches for wild animals.
Poison : a substance that taken into the body can destroy life or cause illness.
Tracks : a pair of parallel lines of rails on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs.
Tribe : a group of people descended from the same ancestor, having similar customs and traditions.
- Present perfect:👍👍
- Been and gone:👍👍
- Present perfect, ever and never:👍👍
- There has/have been:👍👎
- Unit 8:
- Indefinite pronouns: 👍
- Quantifiers ➝ some, any, a lot of, much, many, (not) enough:👍
Listening :
- Searching for the ideal job:👍
- Free festival: 👍👍
Reading :
- Searching for the ideal job: 👍
- The snake catchers:👍👍
- Free festival: 👍
- Writing an e-postcard: 👍👍
I think i need to work in transletion
A- Hogueras salpican las colinas hirvientes
figuras danzan alrededor y alrededor
A los tambores que emiten ecos
de la oscuridad
Moviéndose hacia el sonido pagano.
Algún lugar en la memoria escondida
Imágenes flotan delante de mis ojos
De fragantes noches de pajas y hogueras
Y bailando hasta la siguiente sorpresa.
Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad
capa de la noche.
Velas y linternas
Están bailando bailando
Un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
Figuras de tallos de maíz
Se doblan en las sombras
Sosteniendolas tan alto como las llamas saltan.
El caballero verde tiene
el unico acebo
Para marcar por donde los viejos tiempos pasaban.
Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad
capa de la noche
Velas y Linternas
están bailando bailando
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
Hogueras salpican las colinas hirvientes,
figuras danzan alrededor y alrededor
A los tambores que emiten ecos
de la oscuridad.
Moviéndose hacia el sonido pagano.
de pie en el puente que cruza el río
que sale al mar
El puente está lleno de miles voces
que pasan por el puente y yo.
Puedo ver luces en la distancia
Temblando en la oscuridad
capa de la noche
Velas y Linternas
están bailando bailando
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas.
puedo ver las luces en la distancia
tenblando en la oscuridad
capa de la noche
velas y linternas
un vals en todas las almas anochecidas .
Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt, (born February 17, 1957) is a Canadian musician, composer, harpist, accordionist, and pianist who writes, records and performs world music with Celtic and Middle Eastern themes. McKennitt is known for her refined and clear dramatic soprano vocals.She has sold more than 14 million records worldwide
C- Yes there is a little of eastern music
D-Massachusetts-based musician, Pamela Wyn Shannon's inventive and intricate guitar work has been described as "a tiny chamber orchestra working in unison at the end of her hands." She has walked with the legends of British and Irish folk music, garnering respect and admiration wherever she goes.
E-She´s from Massachusetts
F-I think is to relaxed and its to bored i don´t think it is for dancing singing... i don´t like this kind of music
G-The main topic of the song is the love.I don´t like it because it is so relaxed and bored.
H-They are from Bretaña,France.
I-I like it because it is so funny and so happy
The healthy food is much imortant for our healthy:
-You have to look the five first ingredients,because are the most the aliment have.
-You have to avoid the palm oil the glucose the corn syrup...
-The aliments like fruit,nuts,salad are so good and you have to eat them.
-You have to look the five first ingredients,because are the most the aliment have.
-You have to avoid the palm oil the glucose the corn syrup...
-The aliments like fruit,nuts,salad are so good and you have to eat them.
10 words about football
Match : partido.
Pitch : campo, cancha.
Penaltyarea : area de penalti.
Penalty shootout : tira de penaltis.
Free kick : tiro libre.
Corner kick : saque de esquina/corner.
Throw in: saque de banda
Goalkeeper : portero.
Midfielder : mediocentro.
Defender : defensa.
Captain : capitán.
Substitute : sustituto.
Pitch : campo, cancha.
Penaltyarea : area de penalti.
Penalty shootout : tira de penaltis.
Free kick : tiro libre.
Corner kick : saque de esquina/corner.
Throw in: saque de banda
Goalkeeper : portero.
Midfielder : mediocentro.
Defender : defensa.
Captain : capitán.
Substitute : sustituto.
SOCIETY OF THE TIME:THE VICTORIAN SOCIETY:Defined according to sensibilities and political concerns, the period is sometimes considered to begin with the passage of the Reform act1832. The period is characterised as one of relative peace among the great powers (as established by the Congress of Viena), increased economic activity, "refined sensibilities" and national self-confidence for Great Britain
THE FILM: London. Master Will Shakespeare, an up and coming playwright and sonneteer, is not nearly as well known as his counterpart, Christopher Marlowe. So Will's current writer's block does not help matters for him or for the owner of the Rose Theatre, Philip Henslowe, who Will generally writes his plays for, that is when the theater is not closed due to the plague or Henslowe's financial problems. That current unwritten play commissioned is a comedy tentatively titled "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter". Will's block is partly due to the loss of his muse, his mistress, who he caught in bed with another man, he having a mistress as he would otherwise be alone with his wife back in Stratford. Will begins to write again and passionately when he falls in love with Viola de Lesseps, who comes from a well respected well-off family. Shakespeare also learns that Viola and Thomas Kent, the young man who recently joined the company of the Rose, are one and the same, Viola masquerading as a man to infiltrate the theater world, a domain purely for the male sex, as she is in love with the written word, especially Shakespeare's. As such, she too falls in love with Shakespeare the man and Shakespeare the writer. Without telling Henslowe or Ned Alleyn, an egotistical actor, the play is neither the comedy "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter" or one called "Mercutio" - the name of Alleyn's character - but is rather morphing into a love story called "Romeo and Juliet", the love based on his mutual feelings for Viola. Beyond her continuing to masquerade as Thomas Kent, their own love story has a major obstacle in that she is betrothed to Lord Wessex, a man she detests and a union sanctioned by her merchant father and Queen Elizabeth primarily for financial/business purposes. The mounting of the play, Viola and Will's personal love affair, and their professional collaboration as playwright Will Shakespeare and actor "Thomas Kent" are set against the cutthroat business side of sixteenth century English show business.
THE QUEEN AND THE THEATRE:The Elizabethan theatre was a very popular source of entertainment in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Elizabeth enjoyed the theatre, patronized it, and attended some of Shakespeare's plays as well. It was her majesty that the English theatre even after facing hardships was able to establish itself thus the era of Queen Elizabeth was considered to be the 'Golden Period' of English theatre.
William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes)
Viola de Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Queen Elizabeth (Judi Dench)
Lord Wessex (Colin Firth)
Mr. Hugh Fennyman (Tom Wilkinson)
Philip Henslowe (Geoffrey Rush)
Ned Alleyn (Ben Affleck)
Christopher Marlowe (Rupert Everett)
The nurse (Imelda Staunton)
THE FILM: London. Master Will Shakespeare, an up and coming playwright and sonneteer, is not nearly as well known as his counterpart, Christopher Marlowe. So Will's current writer's block does not help matters for him or for the owner of the Rose Theatre, Philip Henslowe, who Will generally writes his plays for, that is when the theater is not closed due to the plague or Henslowe's financial problems. That current unwritten play commissioned is a comedy tentatively titled "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter". Will's block is partly due to the loss of his muse, his mistress, who he caught in bed with another man, he having a mistress as he would otherwise be alone with his wife back in Stratford. Will begins to write again and passionately when he falls in love with Viola de Lesseps, who comes from a well respected well-off family. Shakespeare also learns that Viola and Thomas Kent, the young man who recently joined the company of the Rose, are one and the same, Viola masquerading as a man to infiltrate the theater world, a domain purely for the male sex, as she is in love with the written word, especially Shakespeare's. As such, she too falls in love with Shakespeare the man and Shakespeare the writer. Without telling Henslowe or Ned Alleyn, an egotistical actor, the play is neither the comedy "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter" or one called "Mercutio" - the name of Alleyn's character - but is rather morphing into a love story called "Romeo and Juliet", the love based on his mutual feelings for Viola. Beyond her continuing to masquerade as Thomas Kent, their own love story has a major obstacle in that she is betrothed to Lord Wessex, a man she detests and a union sanctioned by her merchant father and Queen Elizabeth primarily for financial/business purposes. The mounting of the play, Viola and Will's personal love affair, and their professional collaboration as playwright Will Shakespeare and actor "Thomas Kent" are set against the cutthroat business side of sixteenth century English show business.
THE QUEEN AND THE THEATRE:The Elizabethan theatre was a very popular source of entertainment in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Elizabeth enjoyed the theatre, patronized it, and attended some of Shakespeare's plays as well. It was her majesty that the English theatre even after facing hardships was able to establish itself thus the era of Queen Elizabeth was considered to be the 'Golden Period' of English theatre.
Itensity, loud, moderate, soft, high-pitched, low-pitched, trble clef, keyboard, string, fret, interval, melody, musical meaning, rythm, dot, ligature, clap, stress, orchestra, conductor, tense, loose, bow, tuning peg, embouchure, brass, shake, chamber music, amplifier, loudspeaker, measure.
Intensidad, alto, medio, suave, tono alto, tono bajo, clave de sol, teclado, cuerda, traste, intervalo, melodía, significado musical, ritmo, puntillo, ligadura, dar palmadas, acento, orquesta, director de orquesta, tenso(cuerda), suelto(cuerda), arco, clavija, boquilla, viento metal, agitar, música de cámara, amplificador, altavoz, compás.
Intensidad, alto, medio, suave, tono alto, tono bajo, clave de sol, teclado, cuerda, traste, intervalo, melodía, significado musical, ritmo, puntillo, ligadura, dar palmadas, acento, orquesta, director de orquesta, tenso(cuerda), suelto(cuerda), arco, clavija, boquilla, viento metal, agitar, música de cámara, amplificador, altavoz, compás.
1-The 4th rythm of the drums.
2-The film
3-Play the recorder
7-In theory
8-The powerpoints .
2-The film
3-Play the recorder
7-In theory
8-The powerpoints .
UNIT 3,4,5
The best of me is the vocabulary and the worst the reverse translation
The best of me is the vocabulary and the worst the reverse translation
1-The pavan (from French pavane) is a court dance in 2/4 or 4/4 fashion throughout Europe in the Renaissance. It occurred particularly in Italy (until the middle of the 16th century), in France and in England (until the beginning of the 16th century).
2-The first take me bored i don´t like it but the second make me happy because it is more funny and cheerfull
3-William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)] was an English poet,playwrite and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the english language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".
2-The first take me bored i don´t like it but the second make me happy because it is more funny and cheerfull
3-William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)] was an English poet,playwrite and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the english language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".
So,so you think yo can dive
Into the sea
With the dolphins.
Can you tell a dolphin?
From a little tuna fish?
A shark from a fish?
Do you think you can dive?
Pink Floyd were an English rock band formed in London in 1965. They achieved international acclaim with their progressive and psychedelic music. Distinguished by their use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, extended compositions, and elaborate live shows, they are one of the most commercially successful and influential groups in popular music history.
Wish You Were Here is the ninth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released on 12 September 1975 by Harvest Records in the United Kingdom and a day later by Columbia Records in the United States. The album topped record charts in both regions.
Into the sea
With the dolphins.
Can you tell a dolphin?
From a little tuna fish?
A shark from a fish?
Do you think you can dive?
Pink Floyd were an English rock band formed in London in 1965. They achieved international acclaim with their progressive and psychedelic music. Distinguished by their use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, extended compositions, and elaborate live shows, they are one of the most commercially successful and influential groups in popular music history.
Wish You Were Here is the ninth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released on 12 September 1975 by Harvest Records in the United Kingdom and a day later by Columbia Records in the United States. The album topped record charts in both regions.
BIOGRAPHY:Charles John Huffam Dickens 7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the victorian era His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity.

STYLE:Dickens loved words, and liked to produce a pretty piece of writing in different styles. He included lots of powerful adjectives, and is famous for his use of metaphors and similes. His descriptions often present people, their surroundings, and even the weather, in ways which reinforce each other, so that a certain 'feel' is built up through the passage.
OTHER NOVELS:appart of christmas carol his most famous novels were:The pickwick papers(1837),OliverTwist(1839),Nicholas Nickleby(1839)The Old Curiosity Shop(1841),and more.He wrote about 18 important novels.
SOCIETY;THE VICTORIAN SOCIETY:Defined according to sensibilities and political concerns, the period is sometimes considered to begin with the passage of the Reform act1832. The period is characterised as one of relative peace among the great powers (as established by the Congress of Viena), increased economic activity, "refined sensibilities" and national self-confidence for Great Britain

STYLE:Dickens loved words, and liked to produce a pretty piece of writing in different styles. He included lots of powerful adjectives, and is famous for his use of metaphors and similes. His descriptions often present people, their surroundings, and even the weather, in ways which reinforce each other, so that a certain 'feel' is built up through the passage.
OTHER NOVELS:appart of christmas carol his most famous novels were:The pickwick papers(1837),OliverTwist(1839),Nicholas Nickleby(1839)The Old Curiosity Shop(1841),and more.He wrote about 18 important novels.
SOCIETY;THE VICTORIAN SOCIETY:Defined according to sensibilities and political concerns, the period is sometimes considered to begin with the passage of the Reform act1832. The period is characterised as one of relative peace among the great powers (as established by the Congress of Viena), increased economic activity, "refined sensibilities" and national self-confidence for Great Britain
1-do the rythms of the baterie.
2-the baterie.
3-Play the recorder
5-With nothing
7-In sing
8-The origin of the piano
9-I think who we do too much theory and a little of practic.
2-the baterie.
3-Play the recorder
5-With nothing
7-In sing
8-The origin of the piano
9-I think who we do too much theory and a little of practic.
Listen,play,sound,vibration,wave,vacuum,speed,noise,unpleasant,hearing,silence,composer,perform, performance,record,pitch,high,low,melody,rest,duration,long,short,timbre,choir,recorder volume,staff,tone,semitone,sharp,flat,descending,ascending,major scale,minor scale,semibreve,minim,crotchet,quaver,semiquaver.
Escuchar, tocar, sonido, vibración, ola, vacío, velocidad, ruido, desagradable, audiencia, silencio, compositor, realizar, rendimiento, grabar, tono, alto, bajo, melodía, descanso, duración, largo, corto, timbre, coro,grabador, volumen, pentagrama,, tono, semitono,sostenido,bemol, descendente, ascendente, escala mayor, escala menor, redonda, blanca, negra, corchea, semicorchea.
Escuchar, tocar, sonido, vibración, ola, vacío, velocidad, ruido, desagradable, audiencia, silencio, compositor, realizar, rendimiento, grabar, tono, alto, bajo, melodía, descanso, duración, largo, corto, timbre, coro,grabador, volumen, pentagrama,, tono, semitono,sostenido,bemol, descendente, ascendente, escala mayor, escala menor, redonda, blanca, negra, corchea, semicorchea.
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